Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sky of Love

For starters I had a very good weekend. Nothing really interesting just a good relaxing weekend since coming back from the busy and hectic city of kuala lumpur. Went swimming with a cousin then had a sleepover with the others with our endless karaoke-ing. I cant help myself from singing with the peeps till the early dawn. Was quite disappointed that there were not much of the latest English songs. Still end up singing the whole night till like 4 in the morning. Then we continued with our chit chat in bed till we fall asleep. Then woke up only 5 hours later to do some cooking for brekkie. Had such a great weekend. Miss the good old days with our session of never ending sleepovers, outings and late nigts/early morning girl talk.Sigh...

Anyhoots Im suppose to be sleeping by now but as usual end up still so wide awake. Cant help it so many things going on in my head and especially tomoro coming. I wish I can just skip tomoro and move on. Since I cant seem to sleep i end up watching a Japanese movie called koizora which mean Sky of Love. Its been awhile since Ive watched any of those non-English movie. This will always happen when I cant sleep and especially with the pouring rain outside. Trying to make me sleepy the least I could do is watch something rather than thinking unnecessary stuffs I guess.

Ok this movie is interesting! Although it was quite predictable but the ending was good. I can say some who are so into the whole lovey dovey thing might get blown away.In short the story is about a girl named Mika (Yui Aragaki) who falls in love with the 'bad-boy" type Hiro (Haruma Miura) and their love story is sweet, realistic and simply touching to the heart.Well the movie speaks for itself I cant say everyone would love it though so if theres nothing to do why not just watch it I guess XD

Now Im still not even close to being sleepy but I shall force myself cause tomoro will be an early start for me and a full day too. I hope everything goes well.